FINMT 2016We presented HimL in Helsinky on Workshop on Machine Translation for Morphologically-Rich Languages.
QT21 meetingThe HimL project was broadly presented at Quality Tranlation 21 (QT21) meeting.
EAMT 2016The HimL project was prominently mentioned in keynote speech by Alexander Fraser at EAMT conference held in Riga. The talk discussed state-of-the-art techniques for translation tasks involving translating to a target language which is morphologically richer than the source language.
Partners´ meetingThe Himl partners met in Munich, on May 19-20th and shared their achievements in MT.
HimL @ WMT/EMNLPMembers of the three academic partners in HimL were in Lisbon to present their work at the WMT andEMNLP conferences.
This included WMT translation task papers from Edinburgh (phrase-based and syntax-based), one from Munich andone from Prague. There are also main conference papers on joint tagging and lemmatisation and on joint modelling of morphology and syntax.
EAMT 2015The HimL poster was presented at EAMT.
NAACL HLT 2015HimL was presented at the SSST and MWE workshops at NAACL in Denver, on June 4th.
You can find all presented papers in Publications.
Meta-Forum 2015HimL will be presented at META-FORUM 2015 in Riga, on April 27th.
KickoffHimL was kicked off in Edinburgh, on 3-4th February 2015.
Launch of HimLHimL will start on February 1st, 2015.